A startup in the field of eHealth that works on innovative and highly scalable technologies


Since 2016, the startup deuxiemeavis.fr has been offering telemedicine services, successfully integrating them into the French healthcare system.

The platform provides its services while prioritizing high levels of patient data security.

Client Case

Your healthcare data infrastructure:
Our expertise in security and automation

Enhance the productivity of your infrastructure with automation, all while safeguarding the security of your data. When it comes to managing healthcare data, we strictly adhere to the standards that require ISO-27001 and HDS certified hosting.

The prior challenge was to maintain adaptability in integrating leading technologies, like Kubernetes clusters, while leaning on sovereign hosts. This was a challenge we tackled with unwavering determination and in-depth expertise.

We have also adopted DevOps methods for seamless deployment management, from pre-production to production. Lastly, through testing, we validated the implemented points, ensuring the security of the complete deliverability chain.

Automated deployment of a secure Kubernetes cluster

Infrastructure deployment as Code (IaC)

Meticulous benchmarking of HDS hosts

Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) with GitLab and Kubernetes


'Our commitment to quality and security was demonstrated in this successful mission, where we used Kubernetes and HDS hosting for optimal and secure infrastructure.'
